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Lotus Bonsai Nursery & Gardens
2022 - 2023 Workshop Schedule

All classes and workshops are held rain or shine, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
$90 deposit required to reserve a space; balance due on day of the class.
Students are to bring their tools and sack lunch.
Reservations are first-come, first served.

Email us at mail@lotusbonsai.com to reserve your spot.

July 16, 2022 (Saturday)
Better Bonsai Workshop*
Participants will bring a maximum of three of their Bonsai to the workshop. The focus will be on styling, wiring, pruning, repotting, proper care and culture of each tree and season. Solutions to pest and disease problems will be covered. We will discuss each Bonsai; make decisions about its future and take decisive action to advance the design. Wire and soil are provided as needed. Limited to six (6) students.

August 14, 2022 (Sunday)
Better Bonsai Workshop*

September 3, 2022 (Saturday)
Better Bonsai Workshop*

October 8-9, 2022 (Saturday & Sunday)
Bonsai Rendezvous
Hotel Mission de Oro, Santa Nella
A two-day event of renewal and celebration for the love of bonsai. Open to the public; no fee. Free bonsai demonstrations both days. Free professional bonsai critiques, Bring Your Own Bonsai and Do It Yourself Bonsai settings. Vendors from Northern and Southern California in one huge location. Silent auctions for quality bonsai and related items. We will be vending. Additional information and schedule of activities forthcoming at GSBF website www.gsbfbonsai.org.

October 17-19 and October 19-21, 2022
(Monday to Wednesday) and (Wednesday to Friday)
Tree Gathering Trip
To the eastern Sierra for western white & lodgepole pines, fir, Utah junipers, western hemlock, mountain mahogany and sagebrush. Limited to 6 people per 3-day block of days. First come-first served. Registration & payment must be received by August 15, 2022 for permit purposes. Email us for choice of dates and for more information.
$90/per person registration, plus $18.50/tree

November 12-13, 2022 (Saturday & Sunday)
Pacific Bonsai Show
Bridge Yard, 210 Burma Road, Oakland Outstanding Bonsai exhibit from across the United States. For information, contact www.pacificbonsaiexpo.com.

November 19, 2022 (Saturday)
Better Bonsai Workshop*

December 17, 2022 (Saturday)
Better Bonsai Workshop*

December 18, 2022 (Sunday)
Shohin Japanese Maple
These are grown from seed here at the nutsery. We have about 30 different maples that we gather seeds from. We will move the maples from nursery cans into small (shohin) bonsai pots. $115

January 7, 2023 (Saturday)
Root Over Rock Maple
We have 1000's of stones that have been collected from all over which will be used in this workshop. Our Japanese Maples are grown from seeds and are trained from the beginning to become bonsai. This is the first class in this series because it can take anywhere from 1-3 years to get them ready for movement from the growing container into a suitable bonsai pot. Cost for this beginning workshop is $150 and any subsequent workshops are $50 each. $150

January 21, 2023 (Satuday)
Better Bonsai Workshop*

February 11 & 12, 2023 (Saturday & Sunday)
Trip to Oroville Growing Grounds
Materials of exceptional quality at reasonable prices include Mikawa Black PIne, Shimpaku Juniper, Japanese Maple, several varieties of Trident Maple, etc. These trees are now over 18 years old. Prices determind on site and will be based on size, quality and age. Gourmet dinner with select wines are provided to two- day participants.
Contact us for details. This event fills fast.

February 19, 2023 (Sunday)
Better Bonsai Workshop*

March 18, 2023 (Saturday)
Small Black Pine
These are Mikawa Black Pines grown from seeds we got in Osaka. They have been kept in small containers from the time they were sprouts until now, a period of four years. Most are shohin bunjin material. We will continue the styling process and move them from small growing containers into suitable bonsai pots.

March 26, 2023 (Sunday)
Medium Black Pine
These are Mikawa Black Pines grown from seeds we got in Osaka. They are now six years old and have been grown to be bonsai from the start. We will advance the style and move them from 1-gallon nursery cans into suitable bonsai pots.

April 8, 2023 (Saturday)
Multi-trunk Little Leaf Linden
We got these Little Leaf Lindens (Tilia Cordata) 12 years ago as 2-year old seedlings from a nursery in Idaho. They are now quite advanced and make wonderful bonsai subjects. We will take 2-3 of them and move them from the nursery containers into bonsai pots. In this process we will place the trees into a position so that the trunks fuse.

April 16, 2022 (Saturday)
Better Bonsai Workshop*

May 20 and 21, 2023 (Sat & Sun)
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
This is the not to be missed sale at the nursery. Big discount on all Bonsai trees and stock plants.

June 10, 2023 (Saturday)
Better Bonsai Workshop*

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